One su uspjele: Poslovne savjete otkrile su im njihove majke

Piše: Redakcija

Foto: AFP

Dok smo mlađi, ponekad savjete svojih roditelje na slušamo. Ipak, oni nam, a posebno majke daju one koje negdje pohranimo i koji nam mnogo pomognu u životu. 

Ove uspješne i poznate žene otkrile su da su im savjeti koje su im majke dale dok su bile još male, mnogo pomogli kasnije u životu.

 Glumica Eva Longoria

Eva je u jednom intervjuu da joj je majka dok je bila mala ponavljala jednu rečenicu koja joj se urezala u pamćenje cijeli život. Ta joj je rečenica znala pomoći u nekim trenucima života, pogotovo u osjećaju nesigurnosti.

– Nikad ne zaboravi od kud si – govorila joj je. 

 Bivša prva dama Amerike Michelle Obama

Kada se požalila majci zbog jednog posla, dobila je odgovor koji je mnogo pomogao u životu i koji nikada neće zaboraviti. 

– Sada zaradi novac, a kasnije se brini za sreću – rekla joj je.

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Growing up, every time I’d come home from school with a story to share, my mother was there with a snack and a listening ear to hear about what was on my mind. When I came home with a tale about my disastrous second-grade classroom, she marched into the school to figure out what was going on. And as I grew older, including up through my years as First Lady, she was always there for me as a guiding light through whatever fog was clouding my path. She’s always listened more than she lectured; observed more than she demonstrated. In doing so, she allowed me to think for myself and develop my own voice. From an early age, she saw that I had a flame inside me, and she never tempered it. She made sure that I could keep it lit. Mom, thank you for kindling that fire within me, and for your example as a mother and a grandmother to our girls. We would never be who we are today without you. #HappyMothersDay, Mom. Love you. ❤️

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Američka državna sekretarka Hillary Clinton

Hillary možda nikada ne bi završila fakultet da nije bilo savjeta njene majke. Mjesec dana nakon početka studiranja, nazvala rje oditelje plačući da im kaže kako joj je ovo preteško i da želi odustati i vratiti se kući.

– Ne, sada moraš izdržati. Izdrži ovdje barem do kraja godine, a ako ćeš tada još uvijek htjeti odustati, možemo pričati o tome – rekla joj je tada majka. 

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I was in the Senate when, more than a decade ago, we confronted Abu-Ghraib and the horror of waterboarding committed in our name. ⁣ ⁣ Senator John McCain condemned it and President Obama outlawed it when he became president, and I spent four years as Secretary of State traveling the world to help prove that we had left those practices behind us. ⁣ ⁣ But now, instead of continuing to move forward—instead of standing up for human rights—our government wants to turn a blind eye and build a wall.⁣ ⁣ As I said in my keynote celebrating the essential work Heartland Alliance International does to help victims of torture: We cannot let this un-American distrust and fear determine our future. ⁣ ⁣ We have to affirm that torture, physical and psychological, is wrong and will not be tolerated—whether it happens in a prison in Syria or in a cage on our southern border.⁣ ⁣ Some have walked thousands of miles to get to America. Instead of a safe harbor, they find barbed-wire detention centers where they're treated as criminals and freeloaders rather than people who deserve dignity and respect. This is an abdication of America's responsibility to its own core values.⁣ ⁣ Photo: @sarahmathesonphotos

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