Zašto je Meghan Markle dozvoljeno da krši kraljevska pravila?

Piše: Redakcija

Foto: AFP

Otkako se Meghan Markle, udala za princa Harryja i postala vojvotkinja od Sussexa, postala je jedna od najinteresantnijih dama iz svijeta bogatih i slavnih, a javnost pomno prati svaki njen korak i kako se ona ponaša. 

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Today is #earthday – an opportunity to learn about, celebrate and continue to safeguard our planet, our home. The above, Their Royal Highnesses in Rotorua, New Zealand. Of the 170 different species originally planted in the early 1900’s, only a handful of species, including these majestic Redwoods, remain today. Next, we invite you to scroll through a series of 8 photos taken by The Duke of Sussex©️DOS sharing his environmental POV including: Africa’s Unicorn, the rhino. These magnificent animals have survived ice ages and giant crocodiles, amongst other things! They have adapted to earth’s changing climate continually for over 30 million years. Yet here we are in 2019 where their biggest threat is us. A critical ecosystem, Botswana’s Okavango Delta sustains millions of people and an abundance of wildlife. Huge bush fires, predominantly started by humans, are altering the entire river system; the ash kills the fish as the flood comes in and the trees that don’t burn become next year’s kindling. Desert lions are critically endangered due partly to human wildlife conflict, habitat encroachment and climate change. 96% of mammals on our 🌍 are either livestock or humans, meaning only 4% remaining are wild animals. Orca and Humpback whale populations are recovering in Norway thanks to the protection of their fisheries. Proof that fishing sustainably can benefit us all. Roughly 3/4 of Guyana is forested, its forests are highly diverse with 1,263 known species of wildlife and 6,409 species of plants. Many countries continue to try and deforest there for the global demand for timber. We all now know the damage plastics are causing to our oceans. Micro plastics are also ending up in our food source, creating not just environmental problems for our planet but medical problems for ourselves too. When a fenced area passes its carrying capacity for elephants, they start to encroach into farmland causing havoc for communities. Here @AfricanParksNetwork relocated 500 Elephants to another park within Malawi to reduce the pressure on human wildlife conflict and create more dispersed tourism. Every one of us can make a difference, not just today but every day. #earthday

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Posebno je interesantno da Meghan često krši kraljevska pravila i ne mari previše za tradiciju. Obožavatelji kraljevske porodice često se pitaju zašto je njoj to dozvoljeno, a vojvotkinji Kate ipak nije. Međutim, kako piše magazin “Pop Shugar”, razlog je u velikoj razlici u ulogama između njih dvoje, pa samim tim za njih ne vrijede ista pravila.

Naime, ako princ William postane kralj, a samim tim i Kate kraljica, njena uloga u Velikoj Britaniji postat će izuzetno značajna a to automatski donosi i veću odgovornost, pa i strožija pravila. A šanse da Harry postane kralj su vrlo male, pa je Meganina uloga u kraljevskoj porodici samim time mnogo manja od one koju ima Kate, zbog čega joj je dopušteno da krši neka pravila.

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