Bolest je uzela maha: Selma Blair obrijala glavu, a u tome joj pomogao osmogodišnji sin

Piše: Redakcija

Glumica Selma Blair otkrila je da boluje od multiple skleroze krajem 2018. godine, a svoju borbu sve vrijeme dokumentira na Instagramu. Tako je ovaj put iznenadila  fanove fotografijom iz bolničke ustanove na kojoj pozira s potpuno obrijanom glavom. 

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Today is a banner day. I am being discharged from the care of an incredible team of nurses and techs and a visionary Dr. who believes in my healing as much as I do. This has been a process. And will continue to be one. I am immunocompromised for next three months at least. So no kisses please. I wanted to make sure any complications that might arise here were my private space. And we got through brilliantly. I thank you all for your love and support and that extra dose of great with a @people cover. I see things so much more clearly now. And I am excited to share this journey when I am ready. For now, I have recovery. And a great @the_alinker_world so I gotta split. Bye!!!!!! This is the best gift I could give to Arthur. #newimmunesystem #whodis? 🎂

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Zvijezda je otkrila kako će sljedećih nekoliko mjeseci morati biti posebno oprezna što se tiče ljudskog kontakta zbog oslabljenog imuniteta.

Jučer je također objavila fotografiju na kojoj joj osmogodišnji sin Arthur pomaže ošišati kosu, a posebno se raznježila jer je njen jedinac proslavio rođendan daleko od nje.

– Iako  nismo zajedno ovaj rođendan, znam da je sretan s tatom, da će plesati i igrati se na plažidana. Šta više mogu tražiti? – napisala je ispod fotografije.

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