Australski voditelj ubjeđen da mu je sin reinkarnacija princeze Diane

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U posljednjih nekoliko dana naslovnice svjetskih medija puni australski voditelj David Campbell koji tvrdi kako je njegov sin Billy reinkarnacija pokojne princeze Diane, koja je poginula u saobraćajnoj nesreći 31. augusta 1997., kada je imala samo 36 godina.

David kaže kako su on i njegova supruga testirali sina, te da ih je maleni dječačić iznenadio količinom detalja o njenom životu. Između ostalog pokazivali su mu nekoliko fotografija različitih dvoraca i pitali zna li koji je od njh Balmoral, a mališan je pokazao na pravi škotski dvorac u kojem je Diana rado boravila s ostatkom svoje porodice.

Ono najstrašnije iz ove priče jeste tvrdnja mališana da svake noći po njega dolaze duhovi i kući ga vraćaju tek ujutro.

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A lot of people Direct messaging me about David Campbell’s son Billy’s memories around being “princess Diana”… many of you asking me if it could be true?? I would direct you to a great doco called the “unmistaken child” It’s a fabulous account of how reincarnation is very real & happens. I have dealt with many children in the past in all sorts of strange spiritual soul dilemmas- past life memories, speaking to loved ones passed over, remembering they have been a family pet, invisible friends, amongst many other things. And what I will say is that rarely do children distort the truth about this, particularly over a period of time and with so much lining up. If the story is true, it appears there could be something more to understand here. The questions for me as a medium or any past life expert at this point would be – Why is this happening? Why is he having those memories now? .. & most importantly what needs to me resolved here for billy to enjoy his own journey. I have had past life memories myself, so has one of my children from very early on. And it all relates to our family history. We in no way pushed for him to start sharing. And he will most probably go on to use those skills he is remembering he has had & lived before. It’s actually not all that unusual although quite enthralling. The reason David’s sons case is interesting is that it’s someone very prominent & who had a big impact on the world. Usually we only remember things from soul dimensions we have existed in previously, if it is important in some way to our journey this lifetime. So that would be the next aspect to be explored with someone who works on a soul level such as this. What my hope for Billy or any child is, that they are able to find the right spiritual counsel to work through this awareness, before it becomes overwhelming & he shuts down; or others start sensationalising something that he will need to take the time to integrate fully. Learning & remembering who we are is big as an adult, let alone as a little person in a situation like this. 🙏🏼 Have you had past life memories????? Do you know someone who has? 👊🏻✨ #pastlife #davidcampbell #soul #PrincessDiana @davidcampbell73

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– Billy nije dobro spavao kao beba, a kada je Lisa ušla u sobu i pitala ga zašto, odgovorio je: ‘Zato što dolaze i uzimaju me’. Pokazivao bi na krov i dodao ‘ali, vraćaju me do jutra’ – priča otac koji osim Billyja ima još dvoje djece.

– Sve je počelo kada je neko mojoj supruzi dao karticu sa fotografijom Lady Di. Bily je tada imao dvije godine i pokazao je na kartu. Rekao je: ‘Gle, to sam ja kada sam bio princeza’ – priča David.

Nakon toga opet je šokirao roditelje kada je detaljno opisao dvorac Balmoral i pričao o prijateljima koji su ga tamo posjećivali. Nije im jasno otkuda mu toliko znanje o kraljevskoj porodici s obzirom da oni o toj temi kod kuće razgovaraju vrlo rijetko, prenosi Daily Mail.

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