Suprug joj je neutješan: Otkriven uzrok smrti glumice

Piše: Redakcija

Kanadska glumica i manekenka Stefanie Sherk preminula je  20. aprila u dobi od 43 godine, a tužnu vijest o njenoj smrti objavio je njen suprug Demian Bichir, također glumac. 

– Ovo je najtužnije i najteže razdoblje naših života i ne znamo koliko će nam trebati da to prebolimo. Najviše od svega se nadamo da naš anđeo počiva u vječnome miru – napisao je meksički glumac na Instagramu. 

Iako nije precizirao kako je Stefanie umrla, People piše da je počinila samoubistvo. Potvrdio im to losanđeleski mrtvozornik. Uzrok smrti je utapanje. 

Stephanie i Bichir u vezi su bili od 2010., a nije poznato kad su se vjenčali. Zajedno su glumili u njegovom filmu ‘Un Cuento de Circo & A Love Song’ 2016. godine. Nisu imali djece. 

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If you’re lucky to have a dog come into your life you will have the unique opportunity to learn about loyalty, courage, resilience and most importantly how to love unconditionally. After 17 amazing years, wonderful Rudy advanced to a higher level of energy yesterday. @stefaniesherk was passing by a pet store and saw baby Rudy in a cage corner, rolled up. Her brothers and sisters were happily playing around her. When she asked about her she was told they couldn’t sell her because she was ill and most likely she would die soon. Stefanie then said, no, she won’t, she’s coming with me. Rudy proved everyone wrong over and over again throughout her amazing life. She was a spiritual healer and will be deeply missed. Only animal lovers understand the sorrow of losing such a formidable friend. So long, buddy.

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Demian Bichir je za ulogu u filmu ‘Bolji život’ 2011. bio nominiran za Oscara u kategoriji najboljeg glavnog glumca. Glumio je i u Tarantinovom filmu ‘Mrska osmorka’. 

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