Slavna glumica priznala: Nikada nisam bila deblja, ali sam srećnija nego ikada

Piše: Redakcija


Glumica Lena Dunham svjetsku popularnost stekla je ulogom u seriji “Girls”, ali je javnosti još više poznata po svojim stavovima kada je riječ o odnosu prema ženskom tijelu. Posljednjih godina, glumica je često govorila o problemima sa kojima se susreću žene zbog povećane tjelesne težine, a kako je i sama priznala, u početku je i ona bila jedna od njih, no danas, više nema tih problema.

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I’ve spent a lot of time in this life feeling like too much. Too hungry. Too anxious. Too loud. Too needy. Too sick. Too dramatic. Too honest. Too sexy (jk lol.) I was always sent the message, in insidious ways, that I took up too much room and demanded too much from life and sometimes gave too much to people who didn’t want any at all. But something has changed, and it started  when I realized: I don’t have to be *for* everybody, and that for the right people, my too much is just enough. My too much also means I have room for their too much and we can take turns too muching all over each other. At 32: I weigh the most I ever have. I love the most I ever have. I read and write and laugh the most I ever have. And I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. Not the frail, precarious happiness of “things are going perfectly.” The big, generous, jiggly happiness of “I think I’m finally starting to get the hang of this.” Not too much… Just enough.

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-Potrošila sam mnogo vremena smatrajući da mi je svega previše. Bila sam previše gladna, anksiozna, glasna, pohlepna, dramatična, iskrena i seksi, naravno, šalim se. Neki ljudi su mi govorili da tražim mnogo od života, ali kada sam shvatila da ono što imam treba da pružam samo pravim ljudima jer će samo oni to znati da cijene, sve se promijenilo. Sada, u 32. godini kilaža mi je najveća u životu, ali sam srećnija nego ikada. Sada osjećam da mi je svega dovoljno- napisala je glumica o opisu fotografije na kojoj pozira u donjem vešu.

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*THIS IS A PSA ABOUT BEAUTY & JOY* Once a year I go through my clothing so I can donate it or sell it for a good cause (last year was Planned Parenthood. This year will be @seespotrescued.) I am lucky enough to be the recipient of a lot of free stuff, because the horrible irony is the more able you are to afford in this world the more is offered to you. I have had the chance to wear designer “frocks” beyond my wildest dreams and an invitation to show up in some very glamorous places. But as I reflect on what I’ve worn and when I’ve felt the most beautiful, it has absolutely nothing to do with: how lovely my dress is, how thin I am, how obedient my hair is being. It’s completely and totally related to my smile. My joy factor is commensurate to how attractive I feel and how attractive I look has brought me zero joy. When I look at these pictures, I see sequins and satin and fantasy, but I also see moments of true comfort in my skin because I knew I was being of service to the world around me. There are also moments of desolate sadness where I couldn’t crack a smile because I had barely left my bed that day (or had barely left my own spiraling brain. Or barely eaten, which brings on compliments and don’t even get me started on that shit.) Today I wore sweats all around the city and smiled at everyone I knew and didn’t know. It was potent and magical and I’m still figuring out how to readily access that smile, but I know it’s the only beauty tip that has worked #asmileismystyle 😀 #worldkindnessday

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Glumica je prije dvije godine raskinula petogodišnju vezu sa muzičarem Jackom Antonoffom, a jedan od razloga zbog kojih je njihova veze doživjela krah, jeste upravo njegovo psihičko stanje uzrokovano depresivnim stanjem, što je na glumicu prema njenim riječima ostavilo velike tragove.

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Yesterday I had a two hour surgery to remove my left ovary, which was encased in scar tissue & fibrosis, attached to my bowel and pressing on nerves that made it kinda hard to walk/pee/vamp. Over the last month it got worse and worse until I was simply a burrito posing as a human. *** My mother took this picture after I spent 9 hours in the post op recovery area with v low blood pressure that the nurses were diligently monitoring. I was so out of it that I thought I looked sensually moody a la Charlotte Rampling (turns out it was more of a constipation vibe.) *** A lot of people commented on my last post about being too sick to finish promoting my show by saying my hysterectomy should have fixed it (I mean *should* is a weird one). That I should get acupuncture and take supplements (I do). That I should see a therapist because it’s clearly psychological (year 25 of therapy, y’all. These are the fruits!) But a big lesson I’ve learned in all of this is that health, like most stuff, isn’t linear- things improve and things falter and you start living off only cranberry juice from a sippy cup/sleeping on a glorified heating pad but you’re also happier than you’ve been in years. I feel blessed creatively and tickled by my new and improved bellybutton and so so so lucky to have health insurance as well as money for care that is off of my plan. But I’m simultaneously shocked by what my body is and isn’t doing for me and red with rage that access to medical care is a privilege and not a right in this country and that women have to work extra hard just to prove what we already know about our own bodies and beg for what we need to be well. It’s humiliating. *** My health not being a given has paid spiritual dividends I could never have predicted and it’s opened me up in wild ways and it’s given me a mission: to advocate for those of us who live at the cross section of physical and physic pain, to remind women that our stories don’t have to look one way, our pain is our gain and oh shit scars and mesh “panties” are the fucking jam. Join me, won’t you? *** 📷 @lauriesimmons

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